Friday, June 24, 2011

Not for the faint of heart

I had my last fill for my tissue expanders yesterday! I'm so glad this is the last one I'm SO SICK OF THESE THINGS!!! And it's starting to hurt more as the tissue expands. And by tissue, I mean skin and muscle. Everyone told me expanders would be a breeze but I've been experiencing a lot of back pain, the same back pain that I had after my mastectomy that caused me to not be able to sleep lying flat. So yeah I've been sleeping in my recliner the last couple nights.  (Or trying to sleep.) I get catches in my side that make it hard to breath. Not to mention just the pain of everything stretching. I googled all these painful symptoms and it sounds like this is pretty common especially with women who were smaller breasted before or thinner women (not saying I'm thin at all).  To get an idea of what tissue expanders are, I'll post a picture.
I love that the woman is an old lady. Mine don't have a tube, you just stick the needle through the muscle into the port of the expander that they find with a magnet. In the beginning I was pretty numb because my nerve endings were cut, but they've started growing back so every time I feel it a little more. It's kinda funny because every time I flinch when she gives me the numbing shots and the injection she gets so happy because I can feel it. I am happy too that I'm feeling more, just, dang, wish it wasn't until after I'm all done. I'll never gain 100% feeling back.
My surgery is July 21st. Jeff is taking that day and the next off and my mom will stay with us that next Monday and Tuesday and then hopefully she'll be able to come down every Friday after for a month. Jeff will take the next 3 Mondays off so that means we just need to figure out what to do with the boys Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. My plastic surgeon said that on a scale of 1- 10 if my last surgery was an 8 this one will be a 2 on the pain scale. BUT I have to be even more careful because there will be more stitching that if it pops I'll have to have surgery again. So no reaching or lifting for me for at least 4 weeks.
Like I said. I cannot wait to get these things out of me. They go all the way under my arms so I have to walk around like a body builder and they're mega hard, like rock hard. I hate them. But if I had to do it again I would because I know it will be worth it in the end.
Then I'll be bathing suit shopping for my new "Scarlet Joe's" ;).
Yeah, right. They wont ever be this big.

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My current obsession

Raising Cain, The Emotional Lives of Boys. Read it, just do it. It's only 258 pages long and it will change how you view and interact with boys. If you have a boy in your life, whether you're a parent, teacher, mentor or friend, you need to read this.
"...But as their manuscript progressed, Kindlon and Thompson realized a simple "how-to" would not do. "In the end," they write, "we found that the best advice we had to offer was simply to understand boys as they truly are ­ rather than as they appear or as we wish them to be. Our deepest wish is to pull aside the curtain boys so tenaciously draw around themselves and offer you a look inside their hearts and minds. If we succeed, we hope that you will see more clearly the ways in which our culture conspires to limit and undermine their emotional lives. We hope you will understand boys better, and above all, we hope you will enjoy them more"
Read an interview with one of the authors, Dan Kindlon, PH.D. here.