Friday, April 29, 2011

if you were a fly on our wall...

You'd hear Bennett say "I put a dinosaur on the door so every one will know I like dinosaurs
But not real ones
I wish I could fly
I really want to fly
I will make some flying shoes!"
While dancing around in his dinosaur undies.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter and Casey's Birthday

Our new niece, Alice. Isn't she a doll?

Casey loves baths!

Dying Easter eggs with cousin J

Easter morning

Easter goodies from Cinnie and Papa.

We had a packed Easter weekend! First on Saturday we had dinner with my mom, sister and my cousin Ashley then we stayed the night at Jeff's parent's house and had Easter morning there along with Casey's birthday. And we got to see our new baby niece! She's so sweet!
And last Thursday Jeff had an interview in Portland for a job with the same company (haven't heard yet if he got it but he made it to the final 3!!!), we went with him and stopped by the temple on our way home.

There are so many beautiful flowers blooming this time of year there! It smelled so good!

For some reason Bennett always feels the need to pose like this for pictures.

Bennett was so excited to be at "Heavenly Father's house" he wanted to go see him and play in his house. So cute.  We told him this was where mommy and daddy got married and he said he wanted to marry me when he grows up, so cute AGAIN! :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Birthday month

We celebrated 2 birthdays this month, mine and Monkey McBean's.
My birthday included sushi, good friends and these babies:
For Beanie's birthday we threw a small family party at our house and invited my side of the fam, including my Aunt Peggy, cousin Andrea and her son. It was so nice to see my cousin! Haven't seen her since my wedding and her son reminds me so much of the Andrea I knew. He and Bennett are so cute together.
Casey has been obsessed with trains lately, especially "Percy" (Thomas) so we had to throw Thomas party for him. Then on Sunday we'll have another party with Jeff's side on Easter, lucky kid!!!

You've never had a hair cut, I love your little curls! 

You have an obsession with how things work and the gas door on our car.
Oh Casey, I can't believe you are 2! You have been sleeping in your own little toddler bed for a couple months now and doing great! You sleep through the night now and are showing signs of wanting to be potty trained, I just am not ready for that yet! :) You talk ALL the time and most of the time I can understand you. When you dance you dance with your arms a lot like you're conducting, you love to read and your favorite books are "I love you Stinky Face", "Where the Wild Things Are" (of course) and any book about trains. You love Toy Story and Pingu. You request Pingu a lot! You are a good eater and love "Picks" which are pickles.  You always want to "go" somewhere and bring me your little rubber boots so we can go. You are a very passionate little guy, you let us know when you've had enough, but you even it out with your cuddles.  You prefer me with no hat on and insist on taking it off whenever you can, I have to be careful with you in public! You eat crayons, but you love salad too. You are very territorial of your blanky. You are very independent and will play by yourself for a good amount of time. Your favorite hiding place is the dryer. You are silly, wacky, love to wrestle and cuddle and I just love you kid! Happy Birthday!!
Birthday picture
1st Birthday
May '10

June '10

July '10
August '10 (That's his belly button sticking out!)

Sept. '10

Oct. '10

November '10
December '10

January '10
February '10
March '10
April '10

My current obsession

Raising Cain, The Emotional Lives of Boys. Read it, just do it. It's only 258 pages long and it will change how you view and interact with boys. If you have a boy in your life, whether you're a parent, teacher, mentor or friend, you need to read this.
"...But as their manuscript progressed, Kindlon and Thompson realized a simple "how-to" would not do. "In the end," they write, "we found that the best advice we had to offer was simply to understand boys as they truly are ­ rather than as they appear or as we wish them to be. Our deepest wish is to pull aside the curtain boys so tenaciously draw around themselves and offer you a look inside their hearts and minds. If we succeed, we hope that you will see more clearly the ways in which our culture conspires to limit and undermine their emotional lives. We hope you will understand boys better, and above all, we hope you will enjoy them more"
Read an interview with one of the authors, Dan Kindlon, PH.D. here.