Sunday, June 5, 2011

Growing Like Weeds

It's growing back!!! I have a 5 o'clock shadow on my head now. The loyal hair that stuck with me through all this is lighter than the newbies growing in. After I wash it the elder hairs stand strait up. It looks like if you made a wish and blew on my head it would all float away like one of those dandelion puffs. And it's way fun to touch, so soft! :) This makes my heart feel SUPER HAPPY!

I have so much more energy! I do take joy in housecleaning, most of the time, and getting things done around the house, so it has really lifted my spirits to feel productive and normal again. We've been going to the library, taking walks to the park, lots of yard work...lots. Now I know what our realator meant when she said the previous owners where going for an "English Garden/Cottage" look. Sound's romantic right? That's what I thought. Listen up, it's code for "you'll be weeding in to the wee hours of the morning if you care about how your yard looks."  And playing with my boys in general. I didn't realize how tired the chemo made me until I started feeling better. It's been over a month since my last round. I'm still not 100%, Doc Awesome (Monticelli) said it will take 9 weeks to feel completely back to normal but I don't think it will take that long. I have two more fills for my expanders and then the swap out surgery July 21st. Then possibly a minor touch up surgery a couple months after that if I decide to go that route.

Since it's been awhile since I've talked cancer with all y'all I thought I'd give you this update. Also my test scores came back negative for the BRACA and P53, good news!!! Basically this means it was a freak of nature thing and that cuts my risk of recurrence!!! I start Tamoxifen next week and that's supposed to not have really any side effects except building stronger bones, I can live with that!

This whole "freak of nature" thing actually has deeper meaning for me. The test scores coming back the way they did just solidified for me what this was really meant to be for me in my and my family's life. I know this was a blessing, in an unconventional way. I'm so grateful for where I'm at today and the people that have helped me get here.

Just a quick update on the fam. My boys are getting so big! Bennett looks like a big kid now and Casey doesn't look at all like a baby anymore. Casey is talking so much more, in sentences even. He really loves to be outside, he's a much happier kid if he's had at least an hour of outside play time which makes everyone else happier, yes he's still in his terrible twos. Luckily none of our new chairs have been broken yet.

We got a Kinect for the xbox. It was really nice to see and talk to the Schneiders. We miss them, big time. :( And we chatted with Jodie and Max too. It's pretty cool, technology is amazing! And the other day Jaxon and Bennett played TNMNT on xbox live together which was pretty stinkin' cute. Now all Ben talks about is going to see Jaxon or having Jaxon come over.

Hopefully in July Bennett will start soccer and then in September he'll start preschool! I'm so excited for him, he is going to love school.  We got him a preschool/kindergarten workbook to work on and he loves it and is so smart too! He's really learning his sounds of letters and recognizing which is which. He can spell Bob all on his own :) and his name (Ben). And that's pretty much us in a nutshell right now.


  1. You kinda freaked me out when you said as your first line, "it's growing back" ... my first thought was that the cancer was growing back. Don't do that to me again!!! :) But I am happy to hear about the gray shadow on your head.

  2. I love ya & am glad you have that Peach Fuzz growing in! Every night Sam prays that your hair will grow in Quick. I think it is amazing that he is so concerned about that. I guess all boy LOVE a beautiful blond! I am so happy that everything is going smoothly.


My current obsession

Raising Cain, The Emotional Lives of Boys. Read it, just do it. It's only 258 pages long and it will change how you view and interact with boys. If you have a boy in your life, whether you're a parent, teacher, mentor or friend, you need to read this.
"...But as their manuscript progressed, Kindlon and Thompson realized a simple "how-to" would not do. "In the end," they write, "we found that the best advice we had to offer was simply to understand boys as they truly are ­ rather than as they appear or as we wish them to be. Our deepest wish is to pull aside the curtain boys so tenaciously draw around themselves and offer you a look inside their hearts and minds. If we succeed, we hope that you will see more clearly the ways in which our culture conspires to limit and undermine their emotional lives. We hope you will understand boys better, and above all, we hope you will enjoy them more"
Read an interview with one of the authors, Dan Kindlon, PH.D. here.