Thursday, February 10, 2011

Hoping for a lovely Valentines Day

"Hope is the thing with feathers, that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without words, and never stops at all."
Emily Dickinson

I came across a blog I follow that was doing a give away for some awesome leather arm bands that said stuff like "Be Brave" and other inspirational words. To enter you had to leave a comment about what you were being brave about.

I think to have hope you have to be brave. Reading what everyone was being brave about really helped me see how blessed I am. I hope for them and anyone else that needs hope or to be brave, that their burdens are lighter I pray that He will help them be brave and they will feel HIs love and peace.

So I'm not doing any kind of giveaway, but I thought it would be nice for us all to share what we are being brave about. With Valentine's day coming up it would help us to remember to "be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle" - Plato.

Tomorrow we find out if I have to have chemo or not. So my hope is, of course, that I do not.

So, what are you hoping for, or being brave about?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am hoping that I will be a parent soon, which is sometimes tough. It has been a very long rocky and rough road. Your boys are beautiful and I can only hope that I will have such cute children and be as brave as you. You are my inspiration daily. I think about you and your family all of the time. Prayers are sent your way.

  3. Came over to say hi again and saw this! Thanks, lady. And whaddya say you go on ahead and kick chemo where it counts?

    BRAVE. You are.

  4. You were 2 comments above mine but I couldn't link to the other one who commented so I came to your blog. You are so brave! I've been thinking about you ever since and now I'm lifting you up in my prayers!


My current obsession

Raising Cain, The Emotional Lives of Boys. Read it, just do it. It's only 258 pages long and it will change how you view and interact with boys. If you have a boy in your life, whether you're a parent, teacher, mentor or friend, you need to read this.
"...But as their manuscript progressed, Kindlon and Thompson realized a simple "how-to" would not do. "In the end," they write, "we found that the best advice we had to offer was simply to understand boys as they truly are ­ rather than as they appear or as we wish them to be. Our deepest wish is to pull aside the curtain boys so tenaciously draw around themselves and offer you a look inside their hearts and minds. If we succeed, we hope that you will see more clearly the ways in which our culture conspires to limit and undermine their emotional lives. We hope you will understand boys better, and above all, we hope you will enjoy them more"
Read an interview with one of the authors, Dan Kindlon, PH.D. here.