Sunday, September 11, 2011

Magooly's off to PRE SCHOOL!

My handsome little man is not so little any more. Friday Jeff took the day off so he and I could take him to his first day of pre school, well almost first day.  It was a half day and the parents went to an orientation while Little Man met his teachers and other students in his class. Monday will be his firs real day.

I just couldn't get enough of this shot, finally Bennett said "Okay! I wanna go to school now!"

He was so excited when we got there, he's trying not to smile.

Here he's meeting his teacher's and telling them he has "a brother named Casey who is 2 but he is too little to go to school."
Afterward we spent the night at Cinnie and Papa's house.

Bennett, I love you buddy! You're going to do awesome in school, you are so smart and kind and will make lots of friends! I am so excited for you pal! 

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My current obsession

Raising Cain, The Emotional Lives of Boys. Read it, just do it. It's only 258 pages long and it will change how you view and interact with boys. If you have a boy in your life, whether you're a parent, teacher, mentor or friend, you need to read this.
"...But as their manuscript progressed, Kindlon and Thompson realized a simple "how-to" would not do. "In the end," they write, "we found that the best advice we had to offer was simply to understand boys as they truly are ­ rather than as they appear or as we wish them to be. Our deepest wish is to pull aside the curtain boys so tenaciously draw around themselves and offer you a look inside their hearts and minds. If we succeed, we hope that you will see more clearly the ways in which our culture conspires to limit and undermine their emotional lives. We hope you will understand boys better, and above all, we hope you will enjoy them more"
Read an interview with one of the authors, Dan Kindlon, PH.D. here.